Sunday 2 October 2011


I have to thank you daily for all you have done in my life. Though no amount of thanks can compensate or equal the cares, worries, love and resources you expended on me. This is why it has been difficult to write this mail in the first instance.

You may wish to remember when I was conceived. I brought with me morning sickness and those ugly tastes in the mouth. I also brought vomits and headaches. In spite of all this and more, you endured and carried me in your stomach for nine solid months. You truly must be a wonderful and extra ordinary woman. My kicks, tumbles, and swimming in the belly must have been very painful and stressful. I'm sincerely sorry! I had to do as dictated by nature. I didn't even know I was hurting you. May we have to consult all these scientists to do innovative invention to ameliorate such pains and kicks? This could increase the number of new mothers, as they would no longer have frights and pains.

Then you cuddled me from my first cry. You gave me water and milk of life. You continued caring for me day and night. You were sleepless all through your life as I would never be an adult before you but your baby. When I was sick you were more worried than any other person. Thank God we all survived the hazards of life.

I would run and jump about oblivious of injuries. But you were more worried than the little rascal that didn't know his left from his right. When I grew up to school age, you woke very early to cook hot water for bathing and breakfast. You packed my school bag. Sometimes I would forget my pencil, which earned me some lashes from the teacher. I was however full of fun.

I managed every day for six years and on each day you were up. You made food before I got back from school. You even begged me to do my homework. I only wanted to play day and night. I must have been a naughty boy! Do you remember the incident of the boat? When two boats collided on high sea but God rescued us. I still cannot imagine the trauma that incident caused you. I am really sorry.

This whole process had to repeat for another five years. This time I had to leave away from home. I had to live in a boarding house to attend secondary school. Now one was at the mercy of the unknown, and elements of nature. It must have been heart breaking!

We went for shopping of boxes, buckets, cupboard, provision and books. Then we were told to be good boys. We must not spend our pocket-money unnecessarily. We must make sure the senior boy does not take the money from us. On our departure from home, you cooked meals and containerized them. You equipped us for the outside world. Lovely mothers only do these.

Yes, you were all round caring and lovely. You did what mother could not do. You protected us like the hen protect the chicks. You covered us with your feathers and we never fell prey to eagles and cats.

As we gradually became adults you assumed the position of adviser and watchdog. You made sure we never derailed from set rules and goals. You saw to it that things were done properly. You gave us a bearing. You taught us to aspire to the top and never to be intimidated. You gave us the spirit to fight for our rights at all times. You brought to bear on us the need to run to the finishing line. What else can we ask from a lovely and dearly mother? We are happy to be blessed with a gem and precious mother.

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