Tuesday 11 October 2011

English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniel Temperament
The English Springer Spaniel is a popular breed because they are fun, eager to please, obedient and affectionate. They love their families, and they are loyal and trustworthy. They are energetic and social, and are good with children. However, they require a lot of your attention. They need to be loved, and will want to stick very closely to their owners. They do not do well if left alone for long periods of time. They also need a lot of exercise. They love to run, and they need to run. A lonely or unexercised English Springer Spaniel will misbehave. These outgoing, versatile dogs excel in canine sports such as agility, obedience, and retrieving. They also love to swim, and much to your dismay, will often attempt to do so in mud puddles. They do best with a fenced in yard, as they are known to chase squirrels. In short, English Springer Spaniels make excellent pets for an active family. They are cheerful, intelligent, social, lively, and entertaining. They will certainly become a part of your family.

English Springer Spaniel Training
The English Springer Spaniel is very intelligent and easy to train. He learns new commands very fast.

English Springer Spaniel Shedding
The English Springer Spaniel sheds a fair amount of hair. You'll find hair stuck to your couch, carpets, clothes and everything else in your home.

English Springer Spaniel Grooming
The medium-length coat of the English Springer Spaniel requires brushing a few times a week to keep it tangle-free.

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