Monday, 26 September 2011

Women of Knowledge in Islam

Law and General Islamic Sciences .The Legacy of the Prophet’s Wives and Companions .Rabi'ah Bint Mu'awwad - great scholar of fiqh, taught ntellectual scholars of Madina .Umm 'Atiyyah - sahabah and learned scholars among the tabi'een used to come to her to learn various aspects of Islamic jurisprudence, narrated many ahadith. .A'isha bint Sa'd bint ibn Abi Waqqas - daughter ofgreat Sahabi. She was very learned in Islamic sciences to the point that Imam Malik, Hakim ibn Utaybah and Ayyub as Sakhtiyani, the famous jurists and scholars of ahadith were her pupils. .Sayyida Nafisa: Granddaughter of Hasan - A large number of pupils came to her from different places to learn from her. Imam Shafi'i was one of her pupils. .Fatima bint Qays - discussed a juristic point with 'Umar and 'A'isha. Imam Nawawi said, "She was one of those who migrated in the early days, and possessed great intellect and excellence.” .Hafsa bint Sirin - sister of M. Sirin. Memorized Quran at 12, read Qtran each night.prayed and fasted incessantly.

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